Tradies Family Fun Try Hockey


Aug 30th, Sept 6th, Sept 13th, Sept 20th, Sept 27th, Oct 4th

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Sydney South Hockey Association would like to invite  interested parties to participate in an upcoming Family / Friends Competition played at Marang.

Starts Thursday 30th August at 6.30pm and runs for 6 weeks

*   Start a team with hockey family and friends or invite friends who want to give hockey a try.

*   No team? Don't worry register as a group or individual.

* This is aimed at families, friends & fun it is not aimed at being a serious competition.

* Great introductory for people of any age wishing to try hockey.

* Burgers & chips or a BBQ, food & drinks will be on offer for families and everyone to eat after the games at an affordable price.

Cost: $5 a head per game. $20 for a family of 4 or more, payable on the night

For enquiries, please call Vicki on 0428 260 389


Please address entries to  or register by clicking on the ATTEND button above.


Looking forward to welcoming all new and existing families at our new fields.

Files for download
SSHA Summer Fun Hockey Info & Rules-1 (2)


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