Representative Code of Conduct

Representative Code of Conduct


By participating in the representative hockey program for SSHA players, coaches, parents and spectators agree to read and abide by Hockey Australia policies including the Code of Conduct and Member Protection Policy and Hockey NSW's State Championships Players and Team Officials Code of Conduct.

Points to note:

4.1 Expected Behaviour
Relevant Persons must, at all times in the circumstances outlined in clause 3.2:

(p) not engage in behaviour, including contact via social media or other electronic means, that negatively affects the experience, safety or wellbeing of HA, Member Organisation, Club or Authorised Provider representatives, members, or other patrons, including behaviour that is:

  • offensive or discriminatory;
  • bullying or harassing;
  • sexist, racist or homophobic/transphobic
  • intimidating, threatening or aggressive;
  • drunk and disorderly;
  • unwelcome or uninvited physical contact;
  • continued or unreasonable disruption of HA, Member Organisation, Club or Authorised Provider representatives performing their duties; or
  • unlawful or unsafe;


The policies should be read in full at Hockey NSW policies and Hockey NSW State Championships Code of Conduct


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